About Dr. Marty Tashman


Couples counseling or marriage therapy is inexpensive in comparison to what it costs you to lose the person you love and your family.

Let us give you the best chance to stay together happily.

For Individuals, Couples Therapy, and Marriage Counseling:

$250 per session.

Couples may also decide on Jump Start sessions, which are longer and more intense, useful for when a couple has long-standing problems, or there is a great deal of either hostility or non-communication. Jump Start Sessions are $450.

Dr. Marty’s Fees

To learn more, click on the session you are interested in.

Traditional Session $250 (50 minutes)

Jump Start Session $450 (100 minutes)

Three ways to make couples therapy or marriage counseling affordable

    1. You can see your therapist every other week, and this can also help reduce your expenses.
    2. Whenever possible, we try and focus on short term work. My average number of sessions for couples ranges from 7 to 9 meetings. In certain situations it could take fewer or more sessions. The more you work on the process, the greater our progress.
    3. As therapy progresses our meetings are further apart, which both tests how well things are going and spaces out the payment.

    We also accept credit and debit cards.

    There is one more way to help make therapy affordable by progressing more quickly and delving into the problems in a more intense time wise way. Even though initially Jump Start Sessions are more expensive (two sessions), we can tackle the biggest problems first and still have time to move along to the other issues. This can help us move forward much more rapidly and it becomes worth the investment.

    Please give me a call 888-281-5850 or send me an email and fill out the box on the right side of this page, and I will respond to you as soon as I can. I apologize if weekends take a little longer.

    Take Care, and looking forward to talking with you,