Your Marriage Counselor

Dr. Marty Talks About Healing from Infidelity

Suffering from infidelity is one of the worst experiences you can ever have. It is very much like going through a trauma. But healing is possible, one day at a time.

Five things that must be done to heal from infidelity:

  • Trust must be reestablished between partners.
  • The issues that triggered the infidelity must be dealt with.
  • Deal with the anger, hurt and grieving of the partner who has been betrayed.
  • Reestablish intimacy – caring & knowing about each other.
  • Assurance that the infidelity will never happen again.

Four approaches to help you heal and rebuild your relationship:

  • Traditional infidelity counseling.
  • The Healing From Infidelity Manuals.
  • The First Step Program.
  • The Jump Start Program.

Healing from infidelity takes anywhere from six months to two years. It will take time to heal the relationship, learn how to handle conflict and communication, and fully renew the feelings of love and closeness with your partner.

Call our office today at 888-281-5850 for more information.

Click here to learn more about how Dr. Marty helps couples heal from infidelity.