Your Marriage Counselor




It is normal to have the jitters before making such a big step in life, but there is a difference between the jitters and constant arguing and friction.

What I often find when couples come to see me for premarital counseling is that they tell me they love each other and want to be together, but they find themselves getting into fights more frequently. They keep hoping it will get better, but it just doesn’t.

Together we can:

Figure out how to bring back harmony and work on the miscommunication problems you are having.

Learn how to handle the anger that has developed as a result of poor communication.

Often times couples say to me: “I’ve tried everything,” “I’ve tried being nice and patient,” “I’ve tried being angry,” and nothing seems to work.

Working with thousands of couples over the years, I have developed ways to approach couples that will get them to respond in a positive way to each other.

Here are questions to ask yourself:

Do you know what to do with your frustration and anger in an effective way so that it will not harm your relationship further?

Do you know how to engage in effective repair once a discussion has turned into an argument?

Do you know how to negotiate with your partner so that they can see your point of view as well?

Do you know what to do and how to act if your partner’s feelings are hurt and how to turn a conversation into a positive direction?

Can you demonstrate to your partner how upset you are without provoking them and making them want to attack you or just shut down?

These are skills that are important to learn if you are to get past the crisis that is threatening your relationship and that makes you apprehensive about going ahead with your marriage plans.

Marriage is a big step and can be a beautiful union in life, so remember, with a good beginning dreams can come true.

If we can be of help please call us at 888-281-5850, and we can talk about what the next step would be.

Talk to you soon,

Dr. Marty